July 19th, 2012
University of Bristol

We were advised that the images should be digitised. That it was preferable to do so in-house rather than instructing an outside company. A great personal friend of Elizabeth Mouzillat Jowett is Professor Dr. Michael Forsyth (Director of Studies, Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering at University of Bath) suggested and put us in touch with the Professor Stephen Gray at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol, the foremost centre of digitisation technology in the UK.
We arranged a meeting with Professor Gray which was attended by his assistants and students. He and his students viewed the sample originals images we had brought with us on their equipment and returned to the meeting hugely enthusiastic and amazed at the clarity and quality of the images. He decided at the meeting he would work with his staff and students on the project of digitisation of the RoMo Image Library and prepare a report and advisory document that we received in August 2012.
Following the report “RoMo Stereo Pair Digitisation” by Professor Stephen Gray of the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol, we implemented the recommendations and setup digitisation equipment and process for in-house viewing and to aid the cataloguing work being done.
Professor Gray came to Jersey to meet with Robbie Andrews and Catherine Kirby and verify that the setup and process would maintain the quality and standards that he had advised. RoMo was now able to digitise the images in-house and thus keep control of the intellectual property.